Saint Patrick’s Cathedral – Louis

“I am the Cathedral manager and the Dean’s Verger. I’ve been involved with Saint Patrick’s Cathedral since 1984. You could say that I am becoming a part of the furniture here. My parents split up when I was five, and mam and I moved to Ballymun with my brother and sisters. We used to live in one of the flats there. My dad’s parents used to pick me up at the weekends and they would bring me with them to the Cathedral. Later, they got me a place in the Cathedral’s school as well and in the choir. I remember my mother would walk me to the bus stop every morning in Ballymun and my grandmother would be waiting for me at the other end and would walk me to school. My future plans never really involved working in the Cathedral but somehow, I always ended up being here. There was a vicar here who has long since passed away, who kept encouraging me to stay, giving me all sorts of small jobs at the weekends. In my late teens, I was asked to become the Dean’s Verger. I remember there were times when I would lead a ceremony wearing a robe and carry the silver rod to verge and guide the clergy and then, maybe an hour later, I would change and start my shift in the local pub pouring pints, often seeing the same faces. Times were very different back then. I am 29 years in as the Dean’s Verger and I’ve been the manager of the Cathedral for a few years now. It’s interesting how life plays out as some of the most important things that have happened in my life were, in some way or another, connected to this place. For example, I met my wife here. She was working in the gift shop. Now we have three children and they were all baptised in the Cathedral. This place became my second home and the wonderful staff, my second family. The Cathedral always gave me a sense of purpose and a place where I always felt I belonged.” 

This story was highlighted by @StPatricksCathedral. Louis also conducts our exclusive Verger tours at the Cathedral.

A Verger Tour is a very special and unforgettable experience. A limited group are privately led through the home of Saint Patrick’s story to discover the inner workings of Ireland’s National Cathedral. Ascending the iconic building to the remarkable bell ringing room, guests get their chance to ring the historic bells before continuing to the roof to take in a breath-taking view of the epic Dublin skyline. To learn more about booking your private Verger tour, contact