NCL – Andre

“I was born in Cape Town and the main reason for coming to Ireland was to create a new life after losing everything back home. In Cape Town, I used to work for one very-fast growing security solutions company. It grew from a local to an international company during my years there. I was given many opportunities and my career progressed really fast. I was in my early twenties and I was an operational manager of a brand-new control room and managing 45 people. I had a nice car and had a big house. I was a man of luxury, but too young. I thought that the world was my oyster and by not having any challenges, I lost motivation and, soon after, my job too… A long story short, I got stuck with no money and a huge mortgage on my shoulder. I was unable to find anything close to the position I was used to. After a few unsuccessful job interviews and a failed business, my wife and I decided that we would be better off starting a new life somewhere else. Ireland back then was going through the Celtic Tiger and companies were looking for workers for all sorts of positions. This is how my wife applied for a position in my name I was hired and soon I was on my way to a new life. It took me about two weeks to find myself and to get on my feet, but I was amazed by the friendliness and support of every person that crossed my path here. I am an Irish citizen for over 10 years now. I work in this beautiful brand-new library. I have two children and five cosmopolitan grandchildren and my life couldn’t be happier. My past haunted me for so long, but only now at the age of 52, I’ve begun to realise that in life everything is happening for a reason. Losing a dream job took me to a very different place, to a place that I could never foresee. I am a different person. I’ve got a second chance; a new life and I cherish Ireland and its people for giving me the opportunity to live here!”