Movember – Stephen

“I became quiet and I would shy away from social gatherings. My theory was that if I didn’t talk to people, they won’t look. If they didn’t look, they won’t see how overweight I was. I know it’s a silly idea but it totally made sense in my head at the time. I used to finish work at 5 pm and I was at home, on the couch by 5.10 for the rest of the night. I was so overweight, man. 156kgs. I didn’t realise how bad it was until I went on a holiday where photos were taken of me at the poolside. That was the first time I really saw myself. I knew that I was overweight. I knew that clothes didn’t fit me. I knew that it was harder for me to get up a flight of stairs. I had slowly become quite unhappy as well, to be honest, but that was the first time I actually saw myself for what I was. I felt that I just hit rock bottom. I had a mate who was a PT. We were friends from working together for years as bouncers. I decided to reach out to him. It was one of the hardest decisions in my life because I knew he wouldn’t let me back out. I eventually told him that I needed help. That was at the end of August in 2018 and he became my trainer. You can watch so many YouTube videos about training plans and diets. My idea was that if you wanted to lose weight, you had to suffer in the gym every day, but he totally changed the way I looked at it. He started very gently, going for evening walks and giving me some light training plans. It was really just to break old habits and to make me want to move out of the house, but after a year, I lost over 50 kgs. Even before the weight loss, the change in my mood was spectacular. My personality returned and I don’t try to hide anymore. If I could go back, I would say to myself not to overthink it. It’s much simpler than I thought it was. Back then, I thought for me to exit this cycle, something magical needed to happen. I kept thinking about how tall the mountain was in front of me, but all I had to do was to look in front and take a step forward. That’s it. One step at a time. As weird as it sounds the hardest part about my weight loss journey was to reach out to a friend and ask for help.”

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