“It’s only within the last year that I’ve finally started to feel happy in my own skin, which I haven’t for a very long time. I left the big corporate pharmaceutical world five years ago to became a full-time mum of two after my husband suddenly passed away. My dad got cancer and died before all that, so now I also care for my mum. She is 86 and has dementia and Parkinson’s. I wanted to be there for her, but I didn’t want to just not work. I was always a very busy woman with a great career and I felt like if I gave up work I would lose the person who I was with it. I wanted to do something for others. I’ve always loved coming up to DSPCA, even just to visit the vet here with my dogs. I rescued Bingo from here four-years-ago… I fostered him and then we fell in love. He was a huge part of my recovery from my depression and grief. You know, it can be lonely when the kids are asleep and you are just there, sitting by yourself. Your mind can go to dark places… but Bingo never lets that happen! He not only kept me company through some of my darker days but also provided some company too! When you have a dog, you have no choice but to go out and walk. I process everything in my life through talking, so I would meet neighbours or other dog walkers and I would just chat to them. That was a huge part of my healing. So many strangers never even know that just stopping for a little chat may have saved a life. Anyway, since then I have fostered Biscuit (small) from here as well and fostered about 14 other animals. I also got the opportunity to work in DSPCA. I am the Community Fundraiser and this job is my passion. With Bingo, we go everywhere together. We are giving talks about mental health in schools and colleges, and raising funds at events for DSPCA. We are about to volunteer in hospices and hospitals. Bingo is very special! He has changed our lives so much that we genuinely believe that he was sent to us.”

This story was highlighted by DSPCA.