Movember Series 2/5

“It was the day England played Croatia in the World Cup. I went to the pub to watch the game with him and his friends. I had just moved into a house around the corner with my girlfriend. She had gotten a new job as well and it was her first day. My brother was in the best form I have seen him in a long time. Some things hadn’t worked out for him recently, so I was glad to see him in a particularly good mood; laughing, telling jokes, having some beer with his friends. At half-time, he told me to go home. It’s your girlfriend’s first day, he said. She is going to be home soon, go home, cook her dinner and hear her stories. So, I went home. Later that evening, I got the call about the most devastating news in my life. After the game, they went back to his friend’s house, where he was staying now and then as he had just moved back from Australia. Normally, they’d order a Chinese and walk the dog together after the pub, but that day he didn’t want to go. When his friend arrived back, he couldn’t find him anywhere. He called him, but found his phone on the kitchen table and everything was tidied up. That’s when he knew something was not okay. He went around each room and then out to the back garden. That’s where he found him. Maybe it was a spontaneous decision, a moment of utter despair. I often wonder what if he could’ve opened up and talked to us instead. Where would he be today? I’m sure everything would be okay by now. He would probably have a wife and children. We will never know. This is the reason why Movember is so important to me. I felt helpless at the time, so Movember was my way of doing something for him. Before losing him, I never knew that there could be such a drive for individuals to get involved. I decided to put up a post every day during Movember. I set my target of €1,000, but after six hours, it was exceeded. I posted updates with my growing moustache every day and by the end, I raised over €16.5k. This money will now go to echo a simple message: Things will get better, and you are never alone!”

This post was highlighted by @Movember Ireland. Join the Movember community in having fun doing good.

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