Amir – Concern Worldwide Series

“We used to live near the Bangladesh border in Rakhine State in Myanmar. Shortly after the escalation of the crisis, my wife gave birth to our first son. However, our joy for his arrival didn’t last long. Soon after, our village was attacked and we were forced to flee. My mother, my wife and my son made it to the boat which was sailing up the river towards Bangladesh. My father and I got separated from the rest of the family after we were taken captive. My father managed to escape, fleeing with my sister, but for me, it was much harder. They stabbed me in my back and my leg to ensure I could not go after my family. A few days later, I joined a group of captives and we found a way to escape. We tried our best to rescue as many people as we could before we fled. After the escape, the only thing that kept me going was the hope to see my family again. Unfortunately, not long after, I had to learn that the boat carrying my mother, my wife and my little boy had sunk on the way to Bangladesh. In agonising pain from my stab wounds, I stayed behind to search for them. I searched for two days, but I never found them. The following days were the hardest to live through. Only a tiny hope of finding the rest of my family kept me going. When I finally arrived at the refugee camp in Bangladesh, I managed to find my in-laws and they helped me to find the rest of my family, including my father and my sister.”

Over 900,000 Rohingya refugees have sought refuge in Bangladesh from persecution in Myanmar. Amir volunteers in one of Concern’s nutrition centres. The centres provide recovery support for young children who are severely malnourished. He takes huge pride in his work.

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