Are you sure that was the best story you could share, dad? I feel really embarrassed…

“When my son was born, 20 years ago, I gave up my job to be a house husband and it wasn’t as popular to do that as it is today. I had a great job as an electronic engineer but my wife owned a vintage shop called Lucy’s Lounge in Temple Bar which she had to run. Taking care of him was a big leap for me. He had a skin condition called Eczema which made him cry all the time. I used to carry him around, day in day out, for the first three years always comforting him and helping him to get over his discomfort. One day, I was showing him a book with mammy and baby animals and he asked me if it showed Daddy with the baby animals. Another time I was doing some manual work outside and when I came inside I was quite sweaty, so jokingly asked him if he is ok being cradled to my sweaty chest, and he told me that it smelt warm and comfortable. These are the proudest moments of my life! The bond between us is still as strong as it was then and these memories removed any worry of me being his main carer. “ “Are you sure that was the best story you could share, dad? I feel really embarrassed…”

“Are you sure that was the best story you could share, dad? I feel really embarrassed…”