This man’s inspirational words on the eve of his 89th birthday have gone viral on Humans of Dublin

“I always had a big breakfast, that is the foundation for a long life”

HUMANS OF DUBLIN photographer Peter Varga is still documenting the lives of people in the capital on his hugely popular Facebook page – which was turned into a book last Christmas.

And last night he shared one of the most inspiring HoD stories yet – this man’s musings on life coming up to his 89th birthday later this week.

He began:

“On the 23rd of this month I’ll be 89 years of age. I was born in 1928 and I feel almost as fit as when I was eighteen, at least my mind anyway.”


The key to that youthful mind? Getting up early, having a big fry and taking a long walk:

I worked for forty-nine years and I was never out a day sick. I was working on the docks out in the fresh air from eight in the morning, sometimes till late and it didn’t do me any harm. I always had a big breakfast, that is the foundation for a long life! Two rashers, two sausages, an egg, a fried tomato, bread and butter and a cup of tea.
They made me retire when I turned 65 so ever since, I’m up every morning, ten minutes to seven, seven days a week. I eat my breakfast and I go for a long walk, all the way out to Ballsbridge and back. That’s a mile there and a mile back and I do the same after tea as well. Its keeping me fit and I love every moment of it. I feel fit, you know?


He got some sad news a few years ago, but couldn’t be happier with his lot in life:

Unfortunately, my wife died three years ago, but I have three girls and two boys; all of them married, proper and right, in the church and none of them have ever let me down. They are up every weekend and sometimes I go down to visit them and stay over for a dinner or a tea. I also have about 13 grandchildren. I’d say I’m about to get a phone call saying there’s another addition to the family. I feel great, I’ve done my share! I always say; life is what you make it yourself!

And that was it.

With nearly 6,000 likes overnight, this is the exact kind of charming, heartwarming story that made Humans of Dublin famous in the first place.

His birthday is on Sunday – let’s hope he has a good one <3

Read the original article on Daily Edge