‘Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will’

“I started my blog back in 2011 and I actually deleted it a couple of weeks later because I was so embarrassed. I didn’t feel ready. I was afraid what people may think and I was afraid of those negative comments that can tear you down right at the beginning. I always documented everything about my life; I loved writing, taking pictures, collecting memories. But fashion was the closest to my heart. I never studied it and this is why I was so afraid to get hurt. I only gathered enough courage to start blogging again in 2014 when I moved to New York. When you start a blog or almost anything, you will never feel ready. You only have the fact that you want to do it and you have to make mistakes to move forward. But I enjoyed it and did it all myself rather than wait for it to pay off. A little over two years later, I won Best Fashion Blog Award, and last week a phone company flew me and handful of other influencers on a private jet to Monte Carlo. They took us to a Michelin star restaurant and filled up the whole day with amazing experiences. It was wonderful, but it wasn’t all the fancy stuff that I loved the most, but the fact that I could look back to that girl between all those worries and concerns. Today I’m completely filled with inspiration and new ideas, and I’m very excited as to what the future will bring. I know now that the nobody will ever be ready for a perfect start. The perfect time is now! Right now.”

-Wednesday is International Women’s Day, so we’ve decided to dedicate this week’s posts to some of the inspirational entrepreneurs and creative women we’ve had the opportunity to meet. –

Find her on LouiseCooney.com

Louise Cooney is a Fashion, Lifestyle & Travel blogger. With a background in Communications & Marketing, she is currently working full-time in the Marketing Department for Tourism Ireland. After spending the past year living in New York she began documenting her day to day experiences, outfits, travels and inspirations. Louise most recently won Best Fashion Blog in the Blog Awards Ireland 2016!