It was too much pressure. But now I have no pressure. I only have fun!

“I used to own a coffee shop on Capel street. Back then the only question was if you want your coffee black or white. The coffee business at that time was in very early stages and I didn’t make much money out of it. The rent and tax and staff… It was too much pressure. But now I have no pressure. I only have fun! And it’s not my only costume. I’m registered with a head hunter agency and they send me to all sort of film shoots and weird parties. Last year PayPal had a Roman and Greek themed party, and we had to go as statues! There were about five hundred staff around us, everybody in togas. That was a weird one! Then there was a judges conference from America in the Westbury Hotel, and they wanted to have a Leprechaun at the conference. I had to pose with all of them one by one, and for group photos too. It took hours! Before the election I had a great idea to dress up as Trump; I did the same with Bush in his time and it was a great success. Well, it wasn’t my greatest idea this time I have to say… That costume is for sale, if you’re interested!”