One year my daughter said to me, ‘Will you get it done for Christmas? For fun!

“When my daughter got her first piercing done, I really liked it, and always joked that someday I’d get it done too. Later my grandchildren got it done, and I was saying the same. One year my daughter said to me, ‘Will you get it done for Christmas? For fun! For the children! And if you don’t like it you can just get rid of it!’ So I said okay and I got it done! I liked it, but I didn’t think I’d keep it until we went to play Bridge a few weeks after Christmas. When we sat down at the table, the mens’ first questions were, ‘Did your husband let you do that? What did he say when he saw it? Didn’t he get mad?’ And I just got so upset, that I decided to keep it right then and there! You know what my husband actually said? He laughed and said I was mad. That’s it! Since then I’ve gotten a tattoo as well.”